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How to start?

There are some steps that need to be taken before starting your psychotherapy at Mental Health Clinic Isabel Henriques. On this page, we explain the step-by-step process of registering at our clinic.

Referral letter from your huisarts /family doctor

Before starting the therapeutic process through your health insurance, it is necessary to obtain a referral letter from your general practitioner in the Netherlands for specialized psychotherapy – Specialistische GGZ (SGGZ). Click here to access the content that this letter should include.


Complete the intake documents

After sending the referral letter to the email, you will receive several documents to fill out, including four psychological assessment tests. This initial assessment aims to gather information about the patient's current state to provide the most appropriate service.


Book your appointment!

After all filled documents have been sent, we will contact you to schedule your first psychological counseling session. After the initial session, you can choose to schedule subsequent sessions online under the "Schedule" tab or directly with your psychologist.

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