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Body & Mind

In this carefully prepared space, we gather the ideal elements to promote serenity in the encounter with health, integral care, and self-discovery. 


Massage is the medium, a journey guided by touch exploring the language of the senses. We have gathered a selection of organic essential oils, salts and local plants to prepare the ideal moment. Aromas and textures create a ritual to awaken the senses, exalting the therapeutic depth of caring. 


In an atmosphere that brings together silence - pause, and sound - expression - we welcome the pulsing of the body, waiting for it to dissolve enough resistance to express itself. We discover ourselves in the tensions, we access the unconscious in the body, and we amplify the body consciousness. The regulation of the nervous system is promoted by the work of relaxation and the feeling of security that is built here. This encounter, mediated by the therapeutic relationship, promotes a deep connection, allowing progress in an integral experience of health.


The mind in the body, the body in the mind.

5 Senses

Relaxing massage with exploration of the 5 senses, a sensorial ritual to find personal harmony

(50min or 80min)

Psycho-corporal Therapy

Integration of breathing, body awareness and body landscape exercises, biodynamic massage in dissolving tensions for self-regulation. Promotion of the emergence of repressed material. Invitation to the encounter with the vital force (50min)

Therapeutic Massage

Deep approach on localized tensions, decontracting and integrating mobility action.

(30min, 50min or 80min)

Lymphatic Drainage

Procedure with actions of gentle pressure and decompression promoting the lymphatic flow and the elimination of liquids and toxins. Deep action on the immune system.

Vodder Method (50min or 80min)


Work with pressure points using the reflex areas, pinna or feet (50min)

Eustress Distress Massage

Holistic approach to relieve muscle tension, anti-inflammatory action with stimulation of the body to detox. Subtle journey through functional and excessive stress (80min)

hot stone massage

Relaxing power conducted by the action

of heated stones.

(50min or 80min)

Scrub Massage

Revitalizing massage with selected salts and final wrapping. (80min)

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