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Welcome to the
Mental Health Clinic Isabel Henriques

The Mental Health Clinic Isabel Henriques promotes the mental health and well-being of those who seek us out. Provides services in Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, in a multidisciplinary approach, having recently integrated other medical specialties. We are present in Coimbra, Lisbon and Amsterdam, and we provide services in face-to-face or online to the whole world, in Portuguese or English.


Individual Psychotherapy is a therapeutic process, which promotes mental stability, personal well-being and self-satisfaction. In this process, the psychologist helps the patient to clarify and know their functioning pattern, as well as their own difficulties and to find solutions and new strategies to deal effectively with them.


Family Therapy sees the individual's symptom or problem/difficulty as a result of the dysfunctional way the family interacts. The therapist thus intervenes to create conditions for an improved dialogue between family members, helping to build healthy and harmonious relationships, and supporting families so that they can best deal with the challenges that arise. The sessions are held with the various elements of the family, however they may also involve only one individual. 


The pregnancy and postpartum periods are essential phases in the development of secure attachment relationships between the mother/father and his/her baby. Although these periods are usually considered satisfactory and happy, several difficulties may arise in the performance of the parental role and/or in the relationship established with the baby (e.g., presence of ambivalent feelings). The attachment consultation is aimed at all mothers and fathers who are interested in exploring these issues through specialized psychological support.


Sleep Therapy is a psychotherapeutic process whose goal is to promote healthy sleep patterns and treat Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders, such as Insomnia. To do so, it focuses on modifying behaviors and habits, as well as promoting strategies to deal with the thoughts that interfere with restful sleep.


Child Psychotherapy focuses on the study of child behaviour from birth to adolescence. In this way, it focuses on the physical, motor, cognitive, perceptive, affective and social development of the human being. According to this approach, the psychologist actively seeks to help children deal with their difficulties and thus promote healthy development.


Couple's Therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that focuses on the couple's relationship, in which the sessions involve the presence of each partner. This therapy aims to address the problems in the relationship and promote insight, as well as new ways of effectively dealing with these difficulties, allowing the couple to rejoin and improve their intimacy. Thus, the psychologist can propose some “homework” to reinforce new ways of relating to each other and unblock conflict areas. The effectiveness of this therapy is dependent on the partners' motivation to change and work on their relationship and communication.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

As the name implies, EMDR is a focal and integral method of desensitizing and reprocessing emotionally traumatic experiences through bilateral stimulation of the brain. This innovative practice was developed primarily for the treatment of emotional trauma. However, EMDR is now applied to the treatment of other mental disorders, such as specific phobias, Panic Disorder, Depression, and psychosomatic symptoms.


The (Neuro)Psychological Assessment (3 sessions) is a process that uses various valid techniques and tools, with the goal of gathering information about the patient's behavior, personality, and cognitive abilities in order to better understand and intervene.


Do you have any questions?

We are available to answer any questions.


Consultations are held in Portuguese or English, online or in person, in our clinics located in Amsterdam and Coimbra.

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